Modern slavery is illegal almost everywhere – but today an estimated 50 million children, women and men are enslaved around the world.
IJM Canada hopes you can join us on October 26 to learn more about our work combatting forced labour slavery and celebrate what has been accomplished over the last 25 years.
Forced labour slavery uses deception, threats or violence to coerce someone to work for little to no pay. Although modern slavery has been outlawed in nearly every country, millions of men, women and children continue to be enslaved in brick kilns, rice mills, garment factories, fishing operations and many other industries.
Modern slavery goes beyond just poor working conditions. People trapped in slavery face physical, verbal and sexual abuse daily and cannot leave to find other work or protect their families. In IJM's cases, we have met enslaved people who report being beaten, sexually abused, locked in tiny rooms, starved and even forced to witness murder.
IJM works to locate victims and remove them from the place where they’re in danger.
What to Expect
Compelling stories of rescue and survivors of modern slavery
The latest on IJM's work
Join with us in raising $500,000 to end forced labour slavery
Ron's Story
At this year’s benefit, we will continue to celebrate survivor-leaders like Ron.
Ron was a father, husband, and family man willing to risk anything to give his family just the basics. But Ron barely made $2 a day on his farmland—and was running out of options. So, when a man named Keov came around the village and offered Ron a better option, he took the bait.
It wasn’t until Ron was in the middle of the ocean when he found out that he had been sold.
We’ve met hundreds of people enslaved like Ron.
With IJM's support, Keov was finally put behind bars. This marked the beginning of sweeping changes in Thailand’s justice system. And on top of that, Ron was finally able to return home.
This is just a snapshot of the kind of transformation you make possible through your support. On October 26, we'll share more stories that will give you an even deeper look at what it means to make justice unstoppable.
Anu George Canjanathoppil
Chief Executive Officer, IJM Canada
Andrey Sawchenko
Regional Vice President, Forced Labour Programs, Asia Pacific
Murray Neilson
Business Development, Nicola Wealth
Eugene Au
Director of Development and Mobilization, IJM Canada