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LIMITED TIME MATCH: Your gift will be matched to bring rescue, justice, and restoration.

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Our On-the-Ground Work Saves Lives

Through local partnerships and powerful strategies, we’ve helped make sweeping reform in communities — proving that change is possible.
Over the course of four years, the number of minors available for exploitation in the commercial sex industry in metro Cebu dropped 79 percent. (*study done by external auditor)


Partnering for Results
In Cebu, children were openly being bought and sold in brothels, bars and on street corners. In 2007, IJM partnered with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to launch Project Lantern. The goal: Reduce the availability of children for commercial sex by 20 percent.


Police & Courts Take a Stand
With a focus on training and equipping police and courts to better protect children, we worked beside local government to stand up to the traffickers who’d been operating with near impunity. We exceeded our goal by 4x.


From Impunity to Accountability

Just like we did in Cebu, the Philippines, we enacted the same strategy in Manila — a 12 million person city with countless red-light districts — and Angeles City, where the largest tourist attraction was a mile-long open air sex mall.


Transforming a Justice System

The outlook was bleak for a child in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, in the early 2000s. Children as young as 6 were openly sold for sex, while police looked the other way. And the prevalence of minors being exploited was estimated to be as high as 30 percent in some areas.

The Result

Children Rescued from the Sex Trade

There is still work to be done. But today, Cambodia is a safer place for young girls.

"While continued vigilance is required, Cambodia is a story of hope for the global movement to end slavery."

Ed Wilson IJM Canada Executive Director

"The picture of very young girls being removed from horrific brothels in the Cambodian village of Svay Pak is seared in minds of the global community as an example of the horrors of sex trafficking worldwide. But this picture is no longer reality.”

Sharon Cohn Wu IJM Senior Vice President of Justice System Transformation

"We are continuing to develop our anti-trafficking police officers’ skills, expand training and accountability mechanisms to the more rural units, and hope to see more progress in the future.”

General Pol Phie They Director of the Cambodian National Police’s Anti-Human Trafficking & Juvenile Protection Police Department

The results we are seeing in developing communities are dramatic. But we need your help to continue the fight against sex trafficking worldwide.

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