For Women Everywhere

At IJM Canada, we’re all too familiar with the stories of women and girls who have suffered unspeakable violence at the hands of predators, criminals, and even their own family members. On The International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, we raise our voices to speak out against the injustice and harm inflicted upon some of the world’s most vulnerable individuals.
On this day we would like to announce our support of She Has A Name, a powerful film that is shedding light on the global sex trafficking industry and inspiring many to act on behalf of the women and girls trapped in this nightmare.
Watch the Trailer:
She Has A Name has only been seen by a select few through several pre-screenings across the country. On December 2nd, the film will be released globally and available for purchase.
Through a joint initiative called ‘Fund Freedom’, 20 percent of the proceeds from each film sale or rental, purchased through IJM Canada's affiliate page, will go directly to IJM Canada's work to rescue and restore victims of trafficking. In just one short week, you can show your support and commitment to eliminating violence against women by downloading the film and sharing this exciting news.
>> Pre-order your copy of She Has A Name Today! <<
At IJM Canada, we will continue to fight for justice for women in the developing world who become victims and casualties of gender-based violence.
For the widow in Uganda being threatened and forced off her land by her husband’s relatives.
For the 10-year-old Bolivian girl who was sexually assaulted in broad daylight.
For the young teenage girl trafficked and sold for sex by her own mother.
Today is a call to stand in solidarity with women and girls who are suffering from violence and to commit to seeing this violence come to an end. We are determined to persevere in this fight.
And we hope that you’ll join us.
Thank you for uniting with us as we continue to protect the poor from violence.