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IJM Launches Petition Demanding Justice in Kenya Following Murder of Kenyan Lawyer

A global petition launched today seeks to demand justice for the murders of Willie Kimani, Josephat Mwenda, and Joseph Muiruri; Solidarity march set for Monday, July 4

Washington, DC; Nairobi, Kenya, July 02, 2016

International Justice Mission (IJM) today announced the launch of a petition demanding justice in the murders of IJM staff member Willie Kimani, IJM client, Josephat Mwenda, and trusted driver, Joseph Muiruri in addition to the immediate removal of a high-level Kenyan police official following events that precipitated between the abduction of Kimani, Mwenda, and Muiruri on Thursday, June 23 and the subsequent recovery of their bodies on Friday, July 1. Local authorities have confirmed the arrests of at least three Administration Police. IJM is calling for the removal of the head of the Administration Police Service in Kenya and rapid convictions of all involved with this horrific crime. Please find the petition here.
"We are demanding the immediate end of police abuse of power in Kenya in solidarity with our dear colleague, Willie; client, Josephat; trusted driver, Joseph; and all those who have fallen victim to the outrageous impunity that that has come to plague the nation of Kenya in this era,” said Gary Haugen, CEO of International Justice Mission. "Today, we’re calling on President Kenyatta to quickly align himself on the side of justice by taking bold action in the swift prosecution of all those involved in this horrific murder and removal of the head of the Administration Police Service, Deputy Inspector General Samuel M. Arachi.”
On Monday, July 4, the Civil Society of Kenya will be joined in Nairobi by organizations and individuals in a march for justice in solidarity with Willie Kimani, Josephat Mwenda and Joseph Muiruri, calling for an end to police abuse of power and extrajudicial killings.
Several organizations, governments, and global entities have expressed support for IJM in the pursuit of justice in this case and in ending impunity for police in Kenya. U.S. Ambassador to Kenya, Robert F. Godec and Kenyan Heads of Mission issued the following joint statement:
"The individuals responsible for these crimes must face prosecution regardless of whether they are private citizens or members of the NPS. Holding police officers accountable for violations of human rights and other forms of misconduct is vital to end impunity in the police service and to establish safety and security for all Kenyans.”
IJM is closely collaborating with Kenyan local and national law enforcement officials who are leading the ongoing investigation.
Within hours of learning of the incident, IJM leadership activated crisis response teams in Nairobi as well as Washington, DC, to work closely with police officials on the ground and to support the families involved.
IJM’s focus moving forward is to ensure the well-being of the families and staff affected by this crime as well as the swift conviction of all involved.
International Justice Mission is a global organization that partners with local authorities to rescue victims of violence, bring criminals to justice, restore survivors, and strengthen public justice systems. IJM Canada shares in this mission.

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