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IJM23 008 November Digital Aaron Storypage Dropcap Image

Bring freedom to children trapped in online sexual abuse

Your compassion will help rescue a child today.

Aaron* survived what no child should ever have to go through.

When he was just two years old, his abuse was livestreamed by the perpetrator—on a screen just like this one.

Thanks to caring supporters like you, Aaron was rescued by a team of people who saved his life and arrested the perpetrator.

This is the heartbreaking reality of online sexual exploitation of children. It’s a new form of violence that is so hard to detect—because it can be done anywhere, by anyone, and with very basic technology.

Right now, thousands of children around the world experience online sexual abuse and violence every day, livestreamed for anyone to see at any given moment.

These children are waiting for someone to rescue them. They are waiting for you.

Will you help find children, bring their perpetrators to justice and give survivors a chance to thrive?

Your gift can provide restoration to a child through trauma-informed aftercare. This gives them an opportunity to safely experience all the wonders of childhood again like curiosity, trust, playfulness, and sense of wonder.

No child should ever have to experience sexual abuse and violence in our world. Will you help today?

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Give with confidence Canadian Council of Christian Charities - Seal of Accountability Better Business Bureau

*Pseudonym and actor portrayal used to protect the client

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Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

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