Shut Down Cybersex Trafficking of Children.
Cybersex trafficking is on the rise as internet access increases everywhere.
Now, pedophiles anywhere in the world can direct live sexual abuse of boys and girls hidden in private homes or internet cafes.
This conversation needs your voice. These children don't get to say "No". But you do.
Cybersex trafficking of children is a devastating form of modern-day slavery.
54% of victims rescued in IJM cases are 1-12 years old.
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What is Cybersex Trafficking?
Cybersex trafficking is the live-streaming sexual abuse of children viewed over the internet. We need your help to rescue these children and stop them from being exploited in the first place.

Cassie’s Story
Cassie moved to Manila when she was 12 with big dreams. What she found there was a nightmare. She was raped and forced to perform sex acts in front of a camera. Until her rescue.

Cybertip.ca is Canada’s National Tipline for reporting the online sexual exploitation of children.
If you are concerned about a child being sexually exploited on the Internet, report it.