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Voices With The Girls

Friday, October 11th is International Day of the Girl, a day where we recognize girls as being unstoppable. When girls are trafficked or subjected to sexual violence, they are often silenced. But every day at IJM we support survivors bravely sharing their stories so that girls around the world can live free from violence and abuse. Will you lend your voice and platform to share #herstory?
  • On October 11th share this image and a story
    (click here for resources)
  • Share the hashtag #herstory
  • Send rescue today; make a one time gift

Watch and Share Their Stories


Melinda Estabrooks is the Host and Executive Producer of the Women’s Talk show, See Hear Love – that airs on Yes TV, Apple podcast, Joy radio, Castle video streaming and online on Youtube and See Hear Love. It is currently the only Women’s show in North America that is featured on all platforms.

She has been a national and international speaker for over 20 years and has worked in advocacy/international development, leadership training, public relations, producing and news reporting, media relations and event planning in addition to her speaking.

She is in a wonderful blended family with her husband Chris and two teenagers, Nathan and Sophie, and lives in Burlington, Ontario, Canada.

Melinda enjoys travelling, journaling, praying out loud in the car, discovering new places and towns in Ontario, planning "girls weekends away", being a "foodie", “collecting” shoes, serving at her church, Reunion, and hanging out with her family and friends on the weekend.

Debbi Sluys specializes in helping people improve their physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. With nearly 30 years of experience in early childhood development, Debbi has gathered a wealth of knowledge about the power of mindset, visioning and success. With her background in professional development and skills in public speaking, Debbi helps people use their brain’s full capacity to invite clarity, reveal individual dreams, discover their “whys” and accomplish their God-given personal goals. As a mother of four and soon to be grandmother, she is blessed to live out her calling as an Early Childhood Educator, Director of a non-profit multi-site childcare organization and Business CEO of her company Dare to Declare Inc.

Every 10 minutes, somewhere in the world, an adolescent girl dies as a result of violence. (UNICEF)

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