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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Freedom Fast

Hour 19

As you continue fasting these last hours, watch two short videos with prayer requests from IJM’s Global Hub Against Online Sexual Exploitation of Children.

Video Transcripts

“Hi, I’m Brandon Kaopuiki, Technical advisor for the Global Hub Against Online Sexual Exploitation of Children. This year, we’re launching Project Needlestack, which will strengthen responses to cyber tip line reports in both Malaysia and the Philippines. We appreciate your prayers for new partnerships that we’re forming, for a lifting of pandemic restrictions so that we can provide our training and have meetings in person, and for early wins to both encourage our own team and our partners as we embark on this 36-month effort. Thank you very much.”

“Please pray that we would find a way to measure the crime of online sexual exploitation of children in the Philippines. This is super critical for us to know the extent of the problem. In order for IJM, the Philippine government, and various stakeholders to determine strategies and resources to address it and measure the impact of our work. Please pray for wisdom for our team working on this and for the partners to join us in this project.”

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