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Our voices have power.
Speak up for justice.

Use your voice to advocate for a safer future. For everyone.
Advocacy creates change

Over five billion people have unmet justice needs globally. These children, women and men cannot obtain justice for everyday problems, are excluded from the protection the law provides and often live in extreme conditions of injustice (World Justice Project). Of these, an estimated 50 million people are caught up in modern slavery (ILO, IOM, Walk Free) and more than 800 million women and 1 billion children experience violence at the hands of partners, family member or community members. Without access to justice, people are vulnerable to violence, abuse and exploitation. We must act now.


The One Question to ask your Member of Parliament

Stand up for Children Today

Ending the Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

Recommendations for Canada

Five Recommendations for Canada’s 2025 Federal Budget

View IJM’s Submission

In My Shoes: The long road to justice for victims of violence in Latin America

Read The Report

16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence Reflection and Advocacy Guide

Download Guide
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Frequently Asked Questions

What is advocacy at IJM?

Everyone's voice deserves to be heard, and IJM invites advocates to use their voices to help bring about change through government and community action. This happens in several ways:

  • Through petitions to Members of Parliament,
  • Virtual and in-person meetings on Parliament Hill,
  • Resource sharing across personal and professional networks to raise awareness about the problem of slavery and violence and efforts to address it.
What are the different kinds of legislation that IJM works on?

IJM Canada and our advocates work hard to help pass legislation that protects and defends vulnerable people around the world from trafficking, exploitation, and violence. Our most recent advocacy efforts have centered around the Modern Slavery Act and Bill C-63: An Act to enact the Online Harms Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Human Rights Act and An Act respecting the mandatory reporting of Internet child pornography by persons who provide an Internet service and to make consequential and related amendments to other Acts.

IJM Canada also makes recommendations on government policies relevant to our programming and advocates for increased federal funding for international development and justice system strengthening initiatives.

How can my voice make a difference?

The problems that IJM is seeking to solve impact millions and require intentional action by people in positions of power and influence. Your voice and actions can reach people who have the opportunity to make change happen, especially when you are joined with others. We have seen change happen when people in positions of power do listen to people like you.

We are committed to helping to create intentional opportunities for people like you to come together to take concrete steps to end slavery and violence.

How can I get involved in IJM’s advocacy efforts?

Let us know that you want to be involved by filling in your information here. We will be in touch with next steps and current advocacy opportunities.

If you want to stay up-to-date on our work around the world, follow us on social media and sign up for IJM’s monthly newsletter.

Explore our most recent blog posts on
The one question to ask when your MP comes knocking
If you've been spending any time reading the news, you know that the Canadian federal election is coming, and coming quick! You have probably already…
We Stand Together: Canadians and Bolivians Supporting Survivors of Violence
Canadians have been standing with women and children in Bolivia for almost two decades. Your unwavering support has been seen, felt and experienced…
Over A Decade of Partnership: A Brief History of the IJM Canada-Philippines Connection
Canadians have directly supported IJM’s work in the Philippines for over a decade. IJM's office in the Philippines opened in 2001 to combat child sex…
Canadian and Philippines Police Officers are Joining Forces to Combat Online Child Exploitation
IJM was invited to present at the Ontario Provincial Police's annual conference to discuss practical ways the OPP and RCMP can collaborate with…
2022 Work FP

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Your skills, talents, and ideas are a force for change. From birthday parties to polar dips, your fundraising campaign can stop the violence.

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In the meantime, please take a look at our free guide: 25 Tips for the Novice Fundraiser.

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