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Hero dean brody 01

Join Dean Brody
in the fight to
end slavery

After a trip to Brazil over a decade ago where Brody saw first-hand the desperate need to support the rescue and prevention of the exploitation of young girls, he dedicated himself to protecting the vulnerable by establishing The Dean Brody Foundation. Now, a decade later as one of the most beloved Canadian country artists of his generation, IJM is excited to be partnering with Brody and The Dean Brody Foundation to help combat online sexual exploitation of children (OSEC) in the Philippines.

Working together, Dean Brody and IJM will help to protect, rescue and restore girls and boys at risk of violence and exploitation. Dean said this about the partnership, “IJM is one of the world’s most respected and trusted organizations, working with the government and police every day to stop exploitation and providing protection for children in the most vulnerable places in the world,” said Brody. “Through this partnership, I hope to bring wider-spread awareness about human trafficking and the work IJM is doing to drive change.”

“Partnerships like this one with Dean Brody build critical awareness and bring in the necessary resources to make our work possible where it matters the most.”

Anu George Canjanathoppil, CEO IJM Canada

Today, nearly 50 million people live in slavery. We believe we can end slavery in our lifetime.

Dean Brody Foundation Partnership with International Justice Mission


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