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A 14-year-old Receives Justice After Three Years of Abuse

LA PAZ, BOLIVIA, June 2024 – In a significant milestone for justice in Bolivia, a child and her family found relief and justice with the support of PROBOS, an IJM partner, a 25-year prison sentence was secured for the man who was found guilty of sexually abusing his stepdaughter. This sentence, being the most severe for crimes of this nature, provides a sense of justice and closure for the survivor and her family.

The abuse began when the survivor was seven or eight years old when her mother was not at home. After attacking her stepdaughter, the man threatened to hurt her mother if she mentioned anything about what had happened. Scared and worried about her mother’s safety, she kept silent. This intimidation allowed him to continue abusing her repeatedly for years.

Three years later, when she overcame the fear of telling her mother about it, she was immediately taken to live with some relatives. Yet, neither her mother nor her relatives reported the abuse. This left her feeling uncared for, unprotected and fearful for the safety of her younger siblings.

While on vacation at her dad’s home, she asked for help again. "Since the Summer started, I've been here with my dad, and I told his partner because I feel bad. I feel sad because they [my mother and relatives] didn't listen to me. I don't want the same thing to happen to my siblings. I'm afraid of that. I feel so bad".

IJM's partner, PROBOS supported the family to achieve legal justice when it seems unattainable

The report was filed, and the case entered the Bolivian justice system. However, the family lacked the financial resources to cover the legal expenses. That’s when the Special Force to Fight Violence, a Police division dedicated to combating violence, referred the case to IJM and its partner, PROBOS.

Since her admission into PROBOS, a pro-bono team composed of a psychologist, a social worker and a lawyer made sure the girl and her family felt supported. While the lawyer handled her legal case, a psychologist accompanied her and her father at every step of the investigative process and oral hearings.

From 2022 until 2024, the family fought tirelessly for justice. They faced numerous obstacles, including intimidation by the aggressor's relatives and the victim's own mother's request to withdraw the complaint. The case was also subjected to the suspension of seven hearings, which prolonged the judicial process. These suspensions affect most cases of sexual violence reaching the Bolivian Public Justice System, and they are one of the reasons why many cases either prescribed or are abandoned by victims who lack the resources to pay for legal fees during overly extended periods.

This case is just one example of the harsh reality that victims of violence face in Bolivia. According to data from the Office of the Attorney General, 805 cases of abuse have been registered nationwide, of which, according to a recent IJM study in Bolivia, only 4% have received a sentence. These numbers partly reflect the arduous struggle victims face in seeking justice.

But thanks to the courage of this young girl, the care of her father and the coordinated efforts of the PROBOS team, justice prevailed with a historic 25-year sentence. Now a 14-year-old adolescent, the survivor continues her high school studies while living with her father and his spouse. After years of suffering and struggling for justice, she and her family have found hope to move forward in her restoration process.

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