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FEBCC and IJM Canada Launch Your Kingdom Come

The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada (FEBCC) and International Justice Mission Canada (IJM Canada) Launch Your Kingdom Come to Engage Canadian Christians in Biblical Justice

The FEBCC and IJM Canada are pleased to announce their partnership to educate and inform Fellowship churches about God’s heart for justice, and what life is like for the poor, in Canada and around the world, when justice is denied.

Being created specifically for use by Fellowship church congregations throughout Canada, Fellowship Aid and International Relief (FAIR), a department within the FEBCC, and IJM Canada will develop biblically-based training and resources about justice, injustice, and how Christians, corporately and individually, can respond.

"IJM Canada is excited by this partnership opportunity and looks forward to working with the Fellowship across Canada to engage their membership in the issues and the work of justice,” says Glenn Waterman, Vice-President of Development & Marketing, IJM Canada.

"FAIR looks forward to offering the resources of IJM Canada to Fellowship church congregations across Canada to raise the Biblical awareness of justice issues. We are very excited about the potential this partnership brings to our churches,” adds Dan Shurr, FAIR Director.

For more information about this partnership, please contact the Fellowship FAIR Director at or IJM Canada at

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