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IJM Canada Welcomes Prime Minister Trudeau’s $333 Million Commitment to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Friday, Nov. 18, 2022, TORONTOInternational Justice Mission (IJM), a global organization that protects people in poverty from violence, welcomes the significant $333 million investment commitment made by Prime Minister Trudeau to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). This substantial financial support and partnership has the ability to create a mutually beneficial relationship between Canada and the region.

For over 20 years, IJM has worked to combat the horrific human trafficking including forced labour slavery in Southeast Asia by partnering with local authorities to rescue and restore victims while simultaneously strengthening the justice system to create long-term, sustainable change.

Currently, IJM Cambodia, IJM Myanmar, IJM Malaysia and IJM Indonesia work closely with IJM Thailand to combat cross-border labour trafficking of migrant workers into a wide variety of industries in Thailand. IJM Philippines works alongside Philippine authorities to address online sexual exploitation of children which is a horrible crime in which online predators send payments to Filipino adults in exchange for streaming the live sexual abuse of young children. With IJM’s established track record in these places, the organization stands ready to leverage the expertise learned and built over many years to move Prime Minister Trudeau’s initiatives forward.

“The level of commitment both financially and programmatically signals Prime Minister Trudeau’s serious focus on partnering with ASEAN to strengthen the countries in this critical region of the world,” said Joash Thomas, National Director, Mobilization and Advocacy, IJM Canada. “Given IJM’s decades-long work in Southeast Asia combating human trafficking, we have seen the benefit and success of what a long-term partnership like this one can do.”

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