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Five Recommendations for the 2025 Federal Budget

Every year, Canadians are invited to submit their federal budget requests to the Finance Committee for consideration. This mechanism allows elected officials to hear directly from Canadians and Canadian organizations about how their tax dollars should be spent.

IJM Canada has submitted five recommendations for the Canadian government that will help support our programs around the world to end violence and exploitation. Read on to see our recommendations and download the entire brief below.

Summary of Recommendations

  1. That Canada increase official development assistance to 0.7% of its gross national income (GNI) in alignment with United Nations commitments.
  2. That Canada launch a five-year commitment at the G7 to address online sexual exploitation and forced scamming.
  3. That Canada increase law enforcement resources in the Philippines to address the online sexual exploitation of Filipino children by Canadian offenders.
  4. That the Canadian Ombudsperson for Responsible Enterprise receive increased funding of $7M for fiscal year 2025-2026.
  5. That the Government amends Bill C-63, Online Harms Act, to include private platforms.

What can you do?

  • See if your MP is hosting a pre-budget consultation meeting with constituents and attend.
  • Share IJM's submission with your Member of Parliament via email.
  • Become an advocate with IJM Canada.

Through our collective perseverance and communication, we will be able to effect change for people experiencing violence and exploitation today.

“To ignore the stark reality of slavery, violence and systemic oppression is to perpetuate the very injustices we claim to oppose. Let us confront violence with unwavering boldness, unyielding resolve and uncompromising determination.”

Anu George Canjanathoppil, CEO, IJM Canada

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