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IJM Welcomes Action by Government of Canada on Forced Labour Slavery in Supply Chains

Tuesday, November 16, 2021, TORONTO, ON – International Justice Mission (IJM) is encouraged by the Government of Canada’s commitment to take all allegations of forced labour slavery seriously as illustrated in Public Services and Procurement Canada’s recent investigation of six suppliers sourcing gloves from Malaysia and subsequent halting of imports from one of these suppliers until a comprehensive audit is completed.

“We are pleased that the Government of Canada, particularly Public Services and Procurement Canada, is taking concrete action on allegations of forced labour in Canadian supply chains. We are also thankful for ethical and socially responsible Canadian businesses that take allegations of forced labour slavery in their supply chain very seriously,” said Anu George Canjanathoppil, CEO IJM Canada.

Canjanathoppil continued, “We know that decisive, and collaborative action taken by the Government of Canada helps to set an example for Canadian businesses and shows Canadian consumers how critical it is for everyone to take steps to help end of forced labour and all forms of slavery in our lifetime. As one of the leading global experts on slavery, IJM Canada welcomes the opportunity for further dialogue and action on this critical human rights issue in the days to come.”

About International Justice Mission

International Justice Mission (IJM) is a global organization that protects people in poverty from violence. IJM partners with local authorities in 24 program offices in 14 countries to combat slavery, violence against women and children, and police abuse of power against people who are poor. IJM works to rescue and restore victims, hold perpetrators accountable, and help strengthen public justice systems. IJM Canada is critical part of the IJM global community’s efforts to build a safe future that lasts for people living in poverty.

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