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IJM and World Vision Awarded US$10M Child Protection Grant by U.S. State Department for Romania

Wednesday, Sept. 18, 2024, WASHINGTON, D.C. — International Justice Mission (IJM) and World Vision were awarded a US$10M Child Protection Compact (CPC) grant by the U.S. Department of State to address child trafficking in Romania. This historic, five-year partnership was developed jointly by the United States government, the Romanian government and the civil society organizations grouped in two consortiums under IJM and World Vision.

IJM will work together with its consortium partners – People to People, the Association for Victims of Sexual Crimes, and the Centre for Legal Resources – to strengthen Romania’s efforts to combat child trafficking in a coordinated, victim-centered and systemic manner. In addition to child trafficking and forced labour, the scope of work includes programming to address online sexual exploitation of children.

“This commitment includes the creation of two national centres focused on digital child safety and combating online sexual exploitation of children, which will be supported under the CPC Partnership,” noted the State Department.

“As technology-facilitated trafficking continues to proliferate, IJM is eager to expand its work to address related crimes, including online grooming, sextortion and the webcam model industry involving minors,” said James Foster, Director, U.S. Government Affairs at IJM. “Together with our partners, this grant will accelerate significant and sustainable impact on this critical issue in Romania.”

Objectives of the grant include:

  • Ensuring prevention efforts reduce the influence of risk factors and vulnerabilities to child trafficking.
  • Providing accessible protection services to child trafficking victims and survivors using a child-friendly, trauma-informed, and victim-centered approach.
  • Ensuring justice sector actors effectively investigate cases in order to prosecute and convict perpetrators of child trafficking.
  • Promoting coordination across relevant agencies, civil society and local communities.

Child trafficking remains a significant challenge in Romania. Officials identified 451 victims of trafficking in persons in 2023[1], and estimates place overall prevalence as high as 7.5 per 1,000 people[2]. Nearly 1 in 2 identified trafficking victims in Romania are children, including nearly 3 in 5 who are victims of sex trafficking[3]. Forced child labour is likely underreported due to limited knowledge of trafficking and coordination challenges among local police and social services. Children from socially and economically marginalized families are at greater risk of trafficking, and 41.5% of Romania’s children live at risk of poverty or social exclusion[4].

About IJM
International Justice Mission partners with local authorities in 33 program offices in 19 countries to combat slavery, violence against women and children and police abuse of power. IJM’s mission is to protect people in poverty from violence by rescuing victims, bringing criminals to justice, restoring survivors to safety and strength, and helping local law enforcement build a safe future that lasts. Learn more at:

[1] ANITP (National Agency Against Human Trafficking), Analiză Succintă Privind Traficul de Persoane în Anul 2023, (Short Analysis Regarding THB in 2023) 2024.
[2] Walk Free, Global Slavery Index 2023: Romania, 2023.
[3] ANITP, 2024.
[4] Eurostat, 2023

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