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Launch of survivor-friendly interview space and shelter with police in Kampala

Today IJM and partners launched a new survivor-friendly interview space and shelter for women and children who are victims of violence in Uganda. This project was built in response to the needs of the Uganda police unit responsible for addressing crimes of violence against women and children. They needed a safe, private space to conduct interviews with women and children reporting violence, and residential space for those who didn’t have any secure housing to return to when leaving violence.

IJM refurbished a police building to make it habitable and comfortable, furnishing it with five bunk beds across two bedrooms, a living room and a bathroom. The private interview room was constructed in a shipping container and is located within the same fenced complex, along with an office space. This survivor-friendly environment is designed to make the process of reporting to police a safe and supportive one, and was designed as a model that could be replicated across the country.

Whats App Image 2021 09 02 at 10 10 20 1 jpeg2021 09 Launch of interview space and shelter with police 2021 09 Launch of interview space and shelter with police Approved for Full Use
Whats App Image 2021 09 02 at 10 10 21 jpeg2021 09 Launch of interview space and shelter with police 2021 09 Launch of interview space and shelter with police Approved for Full Use

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