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Dominican Republic

Fighting Sex Trafficking

The Dominican Republic is a beautiful country with a dark side: The country has emerged as a hotspot for child sex tourism. Impoverished children and immigrants are particularly vulnerable. IJM's field team witnessed this reality firsthand—seeing young teens being openly sold for sex on the streets.

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Right now, traffickers and customers alike operate with impunity: according to the U.S. Department of State, over a ten-year period starting in 2003, the country obtained only six convictions against human traffickers. Police are facing a massive trafficking crisis. We partner with local authorities to end sex trafficking.

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“IJM has the opportunity to help change the way the entire country views trafficking. I can imagine a Dominican Republic where criminals are brought to justice, and where these girls and young women find restoration and new lives.”

Fernando Rodriguez Field Office Director of IJM Dominican Republic​​

We officially launched our Dominican Republic office in 2013. Since then we have rescued more than 110 children and young women from sex trafficking.

Our Team in the Dominican Republic

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

Field Office Director: a.i. Sonia Hernandez
Established: 2013
Focus: Sex Trafficking

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