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LIMITED TIME MATCH: Your gift will be matched to bring rescue, justice, and restoration.

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CROP stock photo Guatemala


Protecting Children From Sexual Violence

Guatemala is one of the most dangerous places for women in all of Latin America. Children, especially girls, are vulnerable to violence. Sexual predators go unrestrained, with only 6% of reported cases of sexual violence eventually reaching a verdict.¹

Guatemala map 01

When predators know that if they assault or rape a child they are unlikely to face any consequence whatsoever, sexual violence becomes a relentless, everyday threat for children.

When we first began working in Guatemala, expert friends in the human rights community cautioned us that the justice system was too broken to ever change—that our mission would be impossible. But, alongside our government partners, we are proving every day that change is possible for children in Guatemala.

¹International Justice Mission. “Study of the Guatemalan Criminal Justice System, Cases of Sexual Violence against Children and Adolescents.” (2013).

“Today we have the opportunity to pass on a brighter future to the children of Guatemala: a future with better protection against sexual violence. The time is right to join forces and take action!”

Vinicio Zuquino IJM Guatemala Deputy Director

Alongside our government partners, we are proving every day that change is possible for children in Guatemala. In 2012, we helped secure more than 1 out of every 3 convictions against pedophiles in the state where we work.

Our Progress

We are an active member of an influential coalition aimed at increasing the awareness of child sexual assault and influencing government actors to implement policies to address the problem.

In 2012, IJM helped secure more than 1 out of every 3 convictions against pedophiles in the state where we work.

In August of 2014, the Guatemalan Vice President and the Interior Minister signed an agreement to partner with IJM for four years to strengthen the specialized Sex Crimes Unit of the National Civil Police.

Our Team in Guatemala

Guatemala City, Guatemala

Field Office Director: Brad Twedt
Established: 2005
Focus: Sexual Violence

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You can send help to those recovering from trauma.

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