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Kenya header 1


Standing up for the innocent

In Kenya, it’s easy for a corrupt or incompetent police officer to frame and imprison, torture, or even kill an innocent person for a crime they did not commit.

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Kenyan prisons are overcrowded and full of innocent people, but without a lawyer to fight for their release, they have no way out—and police who abuse their power to falsely arrest, extort or murder innocent men and women are not held accountable. Learn more about Police Abuse of Power..

There’s another side to the problem—when law enforcement does not arrest the real perpetrators of crime, violent criminals are not brought to justice. As a result, sexual predators assault children without fear of any consequences; sexual violence is rampant.

We’re strengthening the ability of law enforcement to protect vulnerable children and helping police to hold abusive officers accountable.

In 2016, IJM celebrated the first conviction of a police officer in a police abuse of power case. Since 2008, we have secured the release of more than 250 innocent men and women from prison.

We are currently serving more than 210 participants in our aftercare program—and our trauma-focused counselling program is having a dramatic impact on child survivors of sexual violence.

We train and mentor prosecutors so that they can identify fraudulent charges, sweep bad cases out of the justice system and prosecute bad police officers. To date, nearly 500 prosecutors have been trained.

We are training investigators from Kenya’s Independent Policing Oversight Authority to conduct strong investigations into police abuse that lead to successful prosecutions.

We are also training investigators from the National Police Service Commission’s newly constituted Internal Affairs Unit to conduct strong investigations into police abuse and to hold police officers accountable.

Our Team in Kenya

Nairobi, Kenya

Field Office Director: Greg Tarrant
Focus: Sexual Violence, Police Abuse of Power

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