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Cybersex Trafficking - Slavery Today

Every day, innocent people are beaten, raped and abused in slavery.

You can end slavery and trafficking in our lifetime.
Trauma-Informed Care Builds Resilience for Survivors of Human Trafficking and Violence
To ensure the best outcomes of healing, survivors need access to trauma-informed care. What is it?
Boat Patrol Program Begins Rescuing Children on Lake Volta
A new boat patrol unit rescuing children on Lake Volta means there are fewer places for traffickers to hide.

Slavery at a Glance

Every person trapped in slavery has a name, a story and a dream. Together, we can end slavery and set them free.

Slavery: In Their Own Words

Maarko* was a 7-year-old boy sexually abused on live internet video—a crime called online sexual exploitation of children.

He dreamed of being like his hero Superman, but had no way out. Maarko was rescued through the efforts of IJM and his abusers have been prosecuted.

Gowri wanted to support her children and pay their bills, so she took out a loan from a crooked factory owner.

It was a trap. The owner continually increased the loan and violently forced her family to continue working for him. After nearly 10 years, IJM was able to help rescue her.

Cassie* is a brave girl who was repeatedly abused and raped for an online audience.

Today Cassie* lives a life of freedom and restoration in the Philippines. But for nearly five years, she was exploited for an online audience.

Elsa* was deceived and forced into a life of prostitution.

After losing her parents at 12 years old, Elsa was determined to find work and support her brothers. A local bar owner offered her a job, but it was a lie. For years, she faced countless nights of sexual exploitation. But now, Elsa is safe.

Slavery is Prevalent Across the World

Map White2

Source: Global Slavery Index, 2016

IJM is the largest anti-slavery organization in the world.

We want to end slavery in our lifetime.

Slavery is a Violent Crime

Slavery goes beyond just bad working conditions. People trapped in slavery face physical, verbal and sexual abuse daily, and cannot leave to find other work or protect their families. In IJM's cases, we have met survivors who report being beaten, gang-raped, locked in tiny rooms, starved and even forced to witness murder.

All around the world, people are trapped in slavery, taken by powerful oppressors who believe that making money matters more than a person’s life. Driven by greed and overlooked by their local legal system, these criminals steal human beings and intimidate them until they feel too small to fight back. We believe the slave owners shouldn’t be allowed to win.

International Justice Mission is a group of advocates, donors, investigators, social workers, lawyers and government leaders who are executing a proven plan that will disrupt and stop the modern slave trade in its tracks.

With your help, we can hold slave owners and traffickers accountable, rescue survivors, and prove to the world every human life matters.

We can end slavery in our lifetime.

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