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Albertina and Her Family Were Afraid.

May2018 Albertina Land Theft Feature Header

Albertina and Her Family Were Afraid.

Their neighbours had taken their land and would do whatever it took to keep it—including violence.

Albertina is a grandmother who lives in Northern Uganda. But she’s not enjoying a peaceful life watching over her family.

Instead she and her grandchildren live every day in constant fear.

May2018 Albertina Land Theft Featured Full Width

A decade ago, she returned home from a refugee camp with her children and grandchildren after a brutal civil war. Her husband had died in the camp.

She returned home hoping for a new beginning. Instead, she found her neighbours camped out on her plot.

They were there to steal her land. And they had spears.

This crime, often violent, is called land theft. Nearly 1 in 3 widows have reported being victims of this crime in some parts of Uganda.

IJM was able to pursue her case, send food for Albertina’s grandchildren and guard their hut.

As the case continues, your support allows us to fight for Albertina and her family.

Said Albertina, "I think that if IJM had not intervened on the land case, they would have chased us. I own nothing of value except for the land.”

"When we first met Albertina, she was hopeless,” Josephine, IJM Gulu Director of Aftercare said.

"Now, she is a fighter."

Albertina Smiling

Your gifts enable us to secure justice for Albertina and countless widows just like her.

Will you stand in the gap for mothers and children across the world?


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