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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Online Sexual Exploitation of Children

The Youngest Survivor We’ve Ever Met is Now Safe from Cybersex Trafficking
In a heartbreaking rescue operation that led IJM to the youngest victim we have ever encountered, four girls and one boy were rescued from cybersex...
Violence, Meet the Internet
IJM Applauds Conviction of U.S. Citizen for Sex Crimes Against Cambodian Children
International Justice Mission (IJM), the world’s largest international anti-slavery organization, applauds the recent conviction of U.S. citizen...
Survivor of Cybersex Trafficking Celebrates 6th Birthday in Freedom
CEBU, THE PHILIPPINES – A little girl celebrated freedom on her 6th birthday just a few weeks ago. One day prior, she and four other children...
Freedom Takes Time for Children Rescued from Cybersex Trafficking
CEBU, THE PHILIPPINES – Five children as young as 2 years old were rescued from online sexual exploitation three months ago. Their story of freedom...
IJM Secures First Conviction for New Casework Targeting Online Child Abuse
CEBU, PHILIPPINES –Twelve girls just wanted to help their impoverished families. The girls were promised fake jobs. They didn’t know it would mean...
IJM Helps Rescue Young Girls From Online Sex-Abuse Shows
Five girls between 9-12 years old are safe after being rescued this week from a home in a Filipino slum that had been turned into a cybersex...
Filipino Children as Young as 2 Rescued from Cybersex Trafficking
CEBU, THE PHILIPPINES – A bulky desktop computer sits unplugged on the table in a police station. It looks harmless. But it’s not. It was once used...
Bloomberg News: The ‘Queen of Cyberporn’ and Her Town’s Industry of Abuse
Along the narrow roads leading into the Filipino village of Ibabao, billboards highlight traditional crafts such as baking cassava cakes, rope...

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