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Labour Trafficking

Passionate Leaders Gear Up to Lead a New Survivor Network
ODISHA, INDIA — A vibrant group of young and passionate leaders are all set to lead a brand-new survivor network called Shramavahini (meaning “a...
Police Rescued 11 Men from a Well-digging Facility
MAHARASHTRA, INDIA — Iron chains shackled the feet of 11 labourers to prevent them from escaping the well-digging facility for nearly four months....
Trafficking Survivors Meet Indian President
Five bonded labour survivors from two southern Indian states got the prestigious opportunity to meet the President of India, Droupadi Murmu.
An Herb Garden Initiative is Empowering Survivors of Bonded Labour
In an effort to protect survivors of bonded labor from further exploitation, the government in Tamil Nadu, India, established an herb garden for...
Young Sisters Courageously Fled Abusive Worksite - Now Reunited with their Parents
Two sisters aged 8 and 10 fled from a duck farm and bravely journeyed on foot to find their way home to their parents—who were about 400km away....
Three Perpetrators Guilty of Human Trafficking in Cyberscam Slavery Case
Nine Indonesian survivors received justice after their three traffickers were convicted of human trafficking for forced labor in cyber fraud by a...
Cambodian Trafficker Caught After Four Years of Evasion
After four years on the run, labour trafficker Nai Nang was arrested by the Cambodian police with the help of IJM Cambodia's expertise.
IJM Supports Indian Police Free 1,401 Trafficked Children in a Month
IJM worked as an expert consultant to develop a standardized process for safely rescuing children and building a strong legal case against their...
IJM Canada Welcomes Prime Minister Trudeau’s $333 Million Commitment to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Friday, Nov. 18, 2022, TORONTO – International Justice Mission (IJM), a global organization that protects people in poverty from violence, welcomes...

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