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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Land Theft

Lakot's Story
How long would you hold out for justice? How long would you work to secure a future for your children? Lakot’s story is one of great perseverance in...
Albertina and Her Family Were Afraid.
Albertina is a grandmother who lives in Northern Uganda. But she’s not enjoying a peaceful life watching over her family. Instead she and her...
One Woman. 161 Dependents. No Home.
Imagine having 161 people to take care of. That's 161 mouths to feed. 161 lives to protect. After fleeing to escape war-torn violence in northern...
Juliana’s Story Proving that Laws against Property Grabbing can be Enforced
Ed Wilson is the Executive Director for IJM Canada. He recently returned from a one-week trip to visit our teams in the field including Uganda, where...
Mukono Court in Uganda shows Justice for the Poor Depends on the Details
Ed Wilson is the Executive Director for IJM Canada. He recently returned from a one-week trip to visit our teams in the field including Uganda, where...
A Ugandan Court Defends a Grandmother and Sets a New Precedent
Kathryn Wilkes is the Field Office Director for IJM Kampala. She and her team have helped defend more than 1,000 widows and orphans from property...
Study sheds new light on violence against Ugandan widows
Kampala, Uganda - New IJM research finds that nearly one of three widows in one area of Uganda is a victim of property grabbing—a devastating crime...
IJM Uganda: Justice Starts with…Paperwork?
KAMPALA, UGANDA – Faces obscured with dust masks streamed back and forth between a Ugandan courthouse and the large white tent dominating its yard....

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