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Sex Trafficking

Three Young Children Rescued. A German Citizen Arrested.
On October 8th, Dominican police spearheaded a rescue operation in the Puerto Plata province of the country. Local public justice officials...
IJM and Partner Rescue Two Teen Girls from a Small-Town Brothel
On October 3, IJM assisted local authorities and a partner NGO in rescuing two minor girls from sex trafficking and arresting two suspects involved...
International Justice Mission Urges the Dominican Government to Declare Child Marriage Unconstitutional
On June 24th, International Justice Mission (IJM) petitioned the Dominican Supreme Court (also known as the Constitutional Court) to declare child...
Rescue Operation Amid COVID-19: Six Rescued. Five Arrested.
A minor and five adult women are now free from sexual exploitation after a successful rescue operation on May 23rd. As the sun rose for a new day in...
IJM Supports Authorities on an Inter-State Sex Trafficking Rescue Operation
On February 22, IJM supported police from two states as they worked together to rescue two minor girls from a cross-country sex trafficking ring....
IJM and Police Rescue Teen Girl from Abuse at a Luxury Apartment
KOLKATA, INDIA – On December 10 (World Human Rights Day), IJM’s team in Kolkata successfully worked with local authorities to rescue a 16-year-old...
Suspected Trafficker Arrested for Selling Five Victims in Her Home
Last month, IJM supported Mumbai authorities in rescuing five girls and young women from a small, cluttered apartment where they were being...
Police and IJM Stop Traffickers from Selling a 15-Year-Old Girl
IJM assisted Kolkata’s anti-trafficking police on a successful rescue operation on Tuesday, July 16. They freed one 15-year-old girl from a year of...
Forced to live in a brothel as a child, Pavi is now a rising field hockey star
High-pitched screams rang out as 14 ecstatic young women ran off a field hockey pitch in late February 2018, with bronze medals clutched in each of...

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