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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Sex Trafficking

German Sentenced to 20 Years in Prison for Sexually Exploiting Two Haitian Minors in the Dominican Republic
On April 3rd, a 75-year-old German citizen was found guilty of trafficking, physical and psychological abuse and sexual exploitation of two Haitian...
A Mother’s Desperate Plea Mobilizes Police to Free 13-year old Daughter and Three Other Minors
On February 2nd, after filing a complaint and persistently reaching out to local authorities, a mother’s desperate plea for help was heard. A...
High Schoolers Rescued from Private Sex Trafficking Network in Kolkata
On Monday morning, 16-year-old Mona* agreed to skip school again at her mother’s request. As she had done many times before, she followed her mother...
Six Women Rescued From Sexual Exploitation
After six months of investigations, IJM supported a rescue operation led by the Dominican Anti-Human Trafficking Unit (AHTU) that brought freedom to...
Criminal Network that Sold Hundreds of Girls Begins to Topple
Mumbai police and the IJM team have secured a much-awaited breakthrough in the fight against sex trafficking this fall. After more than a year of...
Six Freed from Mumbai Brothel amid a Busy Festival Season
On Saturday, IJM staff supported senior anti-human trafficking police on a rescue operation to free six girls and young women from exploitation in a...
Seven Brave Survivors
Over the past 20 years, IJM has partnered with local authorities to rescue hundreds of girls and young women from the unspeakable horrors of sex...
Children Aren't Tourist Attractions
For many months out of the year, tourists flock to her town to enjoy the warm weather, picturesque landscapes and pristine beaches. Growing up in a...
Brothel Keeper Sentenced to 10 Years for Horrific Abuse of Two Girls
Kolkata, India, April 02, 2018 This week, a painful chapter was finally closed for two survivors of sex trafficking. The brothel keeper who exploited...

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