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Sex Trafficking

7 Surprising Facts About Human Trafficking and Modern Slavery
Kolkata is home to one of India’s largest red-light districts. Young women and girls without a support network are trafficked, sold to brothels, and...
From Rescued To Rescuer.
At 14 years old, Sani found herself trapped in the darkness of India's red-light districts. For three years, she was traded from brothel to brothel...
A Light in the Darkness.
Meet Nessa. She is a sex trafficking survivor. Nessa grew up with nine siblings on a tropical island in the Philippines. After her father died, she...
Two American Men Convicted for Exploiting Filipino Children
MANILA, PHILIPPINES, September 08, 2017 – Last week, courts on opposite sides of the U.S. convicted two American men for sexually exploiting children...
Police and IJM Bust Private Sex Trafficking Network, Freeing 2 Teens from Abuse
Landmark Conviction Cracks Down on Cybersex Trafficking, Frees Survivors from Fear
Betrayed and sold by her own mother
Liana was 14 years old the first time her mother sold her for sex. Liana’s mother left when she was too young to remember, and her father was killed...
Children Exploited On-Screen by American Man Finally Found in the Philippines
After a 14-month investigation, eight children are finally free from cybersex trafficking. In a joint operation involving Philippine authorities,...
Freedom Begins On The Eve Of Her 13th Birthday
Karla* celebrated her 13th birthday on March 10 with a cake and candles, beginning her teenage years in freedom. Just a day earlier, IJM and the...

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