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Sex Trafficking

Move Into Action (Travel Brave - Part 2)
Andrew Kooman writes for the page, stage, and screen. He is the author of the highly acclaimed stage play She Has A Name that is now a feature film....
A Catalyst for Change (Travel Brave - Part 1)
Have you ever heard or seen something that altered your direction in life? A marker that you can look back on as a catalyst for change? Learning...
Bar in Cebu is Shut Down after Employees Convicted for Trafficking
CEBU, PHILIPPINES – A heavy chain today locks the doors of the Red Lips bikini bar in Cebu, Philippines. The bar was permanently shut down last week....
IJM and Police Rescue Girls from Trafficking Aboard Moving Train
MUMBAI, INDIA – Four girls as young as 10 were rescued last week from a moving train headed hundreds of miles away from their home to Mumbai. Police...
IJM Trains 5000th Official in Mumbai
MUMBAI, INDIA – It was just after midnight when the rescue was complete. IJM had assisted with an anti-trafficking operation in Kamathipura, Mumbai’s...
IJM’s First Conviction in the Dominican Republic
A criminal has been found guilty and sentenced in the Dominican Republic for the commercial sexual exploitation of a teenage girl. The ruling is one...
Recent Convictions Indicate Crackdown on Impunity for Sex Traffickers
A life-changing moment took place in Kolkata just a few weeks ago: Four traffickers were convicted for crimes exactly four years after IJM helped...
Community Joins Hands to Provide Safe Haven for Rescued Sex Trafficking Survivors
Sixteen survivors now have an opportunity to heal in a safe place –all thanks to a partnership of two groups who wanted to make a difference. This...
Young Women Rescued From ‘VIP’ Rooms at Seemingly Innocuous Bar
Four young women who were once exploited in "VIP rooms” in a seedy bar in the Philippines are now free. This past month, the local anti-trafficking...

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