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Families Rescued From Slavery At a Rice Mill The Week Before Christmas
We helped local officials with the rescue operation on December 17, and we’re thankful for the way the government took the lead. They provided...
Supreme Court Sends Strong Message in Upholding Slave Owner Conviction
DELHI, INDIA – On December 1, the Indian Supreme Court upheld a conviction against a man who ran his business using slave labour. A decision like...
IJM Helps Rescue Nine People Held in Bondage for 12 Years
CHENNAI, INDIA – Twelve years. That’s how long nine people, including three children, were held in bondage as they laboured 13-14 hours a day in a...
Eyes Wide Open
But slavery comes in other forms too, with other kinds of violence. On Thursday, we gathered at IJM’s Delhi office and were introduced first-hand to...
Dozens Rescued From Slavery on Worm-Harvesting Farm
Thirty people are now readjusting to life outside the confines of slavery. Just days ago, children and parents alike were standing in knee-high mud...
Slavery Rescue Reveals Stench in India’s Incense Industry
One-hundred-and-fifty-five people who were held as forced labour slaves in incense factories for up to three years are now free. Families were...
Third Massive Slavery Rescue This Year Shows Disturbing Trend
Another 117 former slaves are safely home this week following IJM’s third massive rescue operation with officials in India this year. The latest...
IJM's Largest Operation in Bangalore Frees 260 Slaves
In a single day, 260 people were rescued from forced labour slavery in brick factories just outside Bangalore. The remarkable operation was led by...
10 Boys Rescued from Slavery on Ghana's Lake Volta
ACCRA, GHANA – Ten boys who grew up as slaves on Ghana’s Lake Volta are now free. On Friday, March 20, IJM embarked on our first-ever rescue...

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