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Six Rescued Children Now Dream of Home
An urgent rescue operation on Thursday brought 11 people to freedom in southern India, including six children and one baby who had grown up in...
Six Children Free in Two Simultaneous Rescues in Ghana
This week, police and IJM rescued five children and arrested two suspected traffickers in an operation in Ghana. The youngest child, a 6-year-old...
The Gift of Freedom
In 2012, Kamal and her husband Krushna were on their way to a city more than 700 miles away from home. They had just packed up their two small...
Bhavani was Kidnapped at Five Years Old
Life was hard enough before Bhavani was forcefully taken from her parents. Her mom and dad had been slaves on a sugarcane farm for a year. They were...
Parents and Nine Children Rescued from Slavery at a Farm
Two tiny children got their first taste of freedom this week, as IJM and local law enforcement rescued their family of 11 from bonded labour slavery...
Arrest of Alleged Trafficker Highlights Strong Cross-Border Collaboration Between Thailand and Cambodia
On June 19, 2018, Thailand’s Department of Special Investigation (DSI) arrested an accused Cambodian trafficker and broker based in Thailand who is a...
Desperate Mother and Children Reunited During 3 Back-to-Back Rescues
We were reminded once again of the cruelty of modern-day slavery this weekend—as IJM and local officials helped reunite a terrified mother and with...
An Impossible Search
No child should live in slavery. But this was the daily life of Suriya, a boy who was taken and held captive over 1400km away from his home in...
"On the lake, there is no peace."
Imagine being trapped in slavery at 12 years old and fearing for your life. This was Foli’s reality on Lake Volta in Ghana. Watch Foli’s story...

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