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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Breaking News

Three Minors Rescued in Region 3 from Online Sexual Exploitation; 1 Suspect Arrested
May 14, 2020 | ANGELES, Pampanga - Today the Philippine National Police-Women and Children Protection Center (PNP-WCPC) and the National Bureau of...
Authorities Conduct Operations to End the Online Sexual Exploitation of Children (OSEC) Amid Lockdown - Rescuing 3 minors, 6 days before the world celebrates Mother's Day
Yesterday / On 4 May, the Philippine National PoliceWomen and Children Protection Center (PNP-WCPC) and the National Bureau of Investigation...
Unsafe in Lockdown: Migrant Labourers, Already Vulnerable to Modern Slavery, Now Dangerously Exposed
“I wasn’t ready. There was no sign. We were doing our job in the morning, and then we were told to leave the factory later that afternoon. Our...
7 Minors Rescued and OSEC Suspect Arrested
LUZON – Police arrested a 25-year-old female sex trafficker and brought seven minors to safety on Wednesday, April 22. Carrying a search warrant,...
Abha* was a curious, young child who grew up in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Mumbai. She loved wandering the streets exploring the city. Yet...
IJM and Police Rescue Teen Girl from Abuse at a Luxury Apartment
KOLKATA, INDIA – On December 10 (World Human Rights Day), IJM’s team in Kolkata successfully worked with local authorities to rescue a 16-year-old...
Attorney General Doug Downey Among Special Guests at NourishHope Fundraiser for IJM Canada
Toronto, ON, 04 November 2019 – Human trafficking knows no borders, and Canadians are becoming increasingly aware of the many forms of exploitation...
Canadian Online Sex Offender Who Preyed on Filipino Children Gets Longer Sentence
Canadian online sex offender who preyed on Filipino children gets longer sentence An appellate court in Canada has increased the sentence for an...
Suspected Trafficker Arrested for Selling Five Victims in Her Home
Last month, IJM supported Mumbai authorities in rescuing five girls and young women from a small, cluttered apartment where they were being...

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