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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Breaking News

Enslaved to Harvest Silk Thread - Now Free
Last week, IJM assisted local authorities in rescuing six adult labourers and a 4-year-old boy from years of bonded labour slavery, where they faced...
Five Children Rescued from Trafficking in Multiple Operations
EASTERN VISAYAS, PHILIPPINES—In a series of police operations on October 9 and 10, Philippine authorities arrested five trafficking suspects who were...
Forty-Four Children and 32 Adults Freed from Slavery at Jewelry Factories
This month, local officials freed 76 victims of human trafficking—including boys as young as 10—from a group of jewelry factories profiting off...
New “One Stop Crisis Team” Rescues 18 from a Life of Slavery
Eighteen people—including 6 children—are now free from a life of modern slavery thanks to a brand-new One Stop Crisis Team recently launched in their...
Canadian Parliamentarians to Travel to Bolivia with International Justice Mission Canada
Monday, September 9, 2019 — Since 2006, International Justice Mission Canada (IJM Canada) has worked with the Bolivian government to end all forms of...
Judge Overturns Acquittal to Find Slave Owner Guilty in 2006 Case
CHENNAI, INDIA – The Madras High Court took a strong stance for survivors of bonded labour slavery this month by overturning a lower-court ruling to...
American Sex Offender Sentenced to 84 Years for Abusing Filipino Girls Online
CEBU, PHILIPPINES – This month, a U.S. court sentenced 56-year-old Anthony Schultz to 84 years in prison for filming the rape of underage Filipino...
Trafficked Boy Escapes, But Returns to Rescue His Friends
On a busy day last November, Manikandan took one last look around the dingy snack factory where he’d worked for nine years and decided it was time to...
EUROPOL's Most Wanted: Arrested & Facing Charges for Cybersex Trafficking
CEBU, PHILIPPINES – Philippine authorities have captured a Filipino man who was once EUROPOL’s most wanted criminal. His alleged crime: producing and...

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