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Breaking News

Police and IJM Stop Traffickers from Selling a 15-Year-Old Girl
IJM assisted Kolkata’s anti-trafficking police on a successful rescue operation on Tuesday, July 16. They freed one 15-year-old girl from a year of...
This Image Keeps Us Fighting Against Slavery
Kasi knew this was his one shot. As the sun streaked his bare back, the 70-year-old knelt desperately on the dusty ground and pleaded with officials...
IJM Bolivia Secures its 150th Conviction
On June 17, a Bolivian court sentenced a sexual aggressor to 25 years in prison after declaring him guilty for raping two young girls, who were just...
International Justice Mission Announces Third Grant from to Combat Trafficking in Thai Fishing Industry
International Justice Mission (IJM), the world’s largest international anti-slavery organization, has announced its third grant awarded by the...
IJM Staff’s Son Spots Slavery in His Water Supply
When one 9-year-old boy saw a group of other kids being forced to work at a water treatment facility near his home, he knew exactly who to tell: His...
Two Young Brothers Rescued – Now Reunited with Their Mom
Over the weekend, IJM helped Indian authorities rescue two young brothers from slavery at a cow farm. The 13- and 10-year-old boys have now been...
23 Children Held as Slaves on Island in Ghana are Free
Two girls and 21 boys between the ages of 6-16 years old were rescued out of slavery in the fishing industry in Ghana the last week in April. Two...
Fifty Rescued from 3 Brick Kilns on Same Day
One of IJM’s grassroots partners referred a case of forced labour to the government officials. Following this, officials visited two brick kilns and...
Local Partners Rescue 29 from Bonded Labour Slavery over the Weekend
Our mission to protect the poor from slavery and violence took great steps forward over the weekend, with two rescue operations led by IJM partners...

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