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Breaking News

Nine (9) Children Rescued From Cybersex Trafficking in an IJM-Supported Operation; Abused by Saskatchewan Man
London, Ont., November 14, 2017 – Nine (9) children in the Philippines are now safe from cybersex trafficking after being rescued by the Philippines...
8 Days. 8 Operations. 88 Rescued.
The wave of rescues began when IJM assisted police in saving four girls from a private sex trafficking network in Kolkata. The youngest girl was only...
Two Young Teens Rescued as Visayas Anti-Trafficking Police Lead 10th Operation This Year
CEBU, PHILIPPINES – IJM helped Philippine authorities rescue two girls, 14 and 15 years old, from cybersex trafficking over the weekend. Two suspects...
Two American Men Convicted for Exploiting Filipino Children
MANILA, PHILIPPINES, September 08, 2017 – Last week, courts on opposite sides of the U.S. convicted two American men for sexually exploiting children...
Police and IJM Bust Private Sex Trafficking Network, Freeing 2 Teens from Abuse
Landmark Conviction Cracks Down on Cybersex Trafficking, Frees Survivors from Fear
A baby girl for Roopa
Roopa grew up enslaved in a south Indian brick kiln, enduring back-breaking labor and the heartbreaking loss of a child. The birth of her second...
31 Free After Largest IJM Ghana Rescue to Date
Anita Budu, Director of Aftercare for IJM Ghana, anxiously watched from the deck of a boat as the horizon began to pale with the light of sunrise....
Families Stunned as They Are Freed from Bondage in Wood-Cutting Facility
Local officials, police and IJM staff helped rescue three families from years of bonded labour slavery today—leaving the men, women and children in...

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