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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Breaking News

Children Exploited On-Screen by American Man Finally Found in the Philippines
After a 14-month investigation, eight children are finally free from cybersex trafficking. In a joint operation involving Philippine authorities,...
Brick Kiln Owner Guilty for Trapping 12 People in Bonded Labour Slavery
On Friday, justice was served for 12 former bonded labour slaves, as the wealthy brick kiln owner who had once trapped and abused them was found...
Freedom Begins On The Eve Of Her 13th Birthday
Karla* celebrated her 13th birthday on March 10 with a cake and candles, beginning her teenage years in freedom. Just a day earlier, IJM and the...
24 Children Forced to Work on Lake Volta Are Now Free
On January 24, the IJM Ghana team and local authorities rescued 24 boys who had been forced to work in the fishing industry on Lake Volta. This...
Eight Convicted, Record Sentences Secured in Brutal “Hand-Chopping” Slavery Case
Persistence Pays: Two Traffickers Convicted After 8 Years
CEBU, THE PHILIPPINES, November 24, 2016 – Incredible perseverance paid off last week in Cebu: Two traffickers were convicted after 8 years.The...
Three Women Convicted for Trafficking after 7-Year Trial – Survivor Riya* Thriving
MUMBAI, INDIA, October 27, 2016 – On Wednesday, IJM celebrated justice served for three young survivors of trafficking, as the women who sold them...
Nine Children under 10 Years Old Rescued from Cybersex Trafficking
MANILA, THE PHILIPPINES, October 24, 2016 – Nine boys and girls—ranging from 2 to 10 years old—were rescued from cybersex trafficking in back-to-back...
Lumber Boss Arrested for Trapping 15 in Brutal Bonded Labour Slavery
CHENNAI, INDIA, September 1, 2016 -- Women and men were visibly shaking with fear as IJM and local authorities rescued them from a brutal slave owner...

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