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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Breaking News

IJM’s First Conviction in a Live-Streaming Cybersex Trafficking Case
CEBU, THE PHILIPPINES – August 17, 2016A Filipino couple has been sentenced to 15 years in prison for live-streaming sexual abuse of their own...
Cambodian Woman Rescued from Bride Traffickers in China
Sophea* is finally free, after months held captive in China. The young woman thought she was moving to get married, work and support her family back...
54 Men Finally Home after Harrowing Months at Sea
After a harrowing four months spent on Thai boats, 54 men who were trafficked to fish on these boats are finally home. This is the first case of...
Second Rescue at Abusive Brick Kiln Frees 328 from Slavery
CHENNAI, INDIA - Late last month, IJM and authorities near Chennai rescued more than 300 people—including 88 children—from bonded labour slavery in a...
Brave Girls’ Testimonies Lead to Man’s Shocking Confession
CHIANG MAI, THAILAND- The girls were afraid to play outside. They were afraid when they heard the thrum of motorbikes passing by. The man who would...
Two 17-Year-Olds Rescued from Kolkata Red-Light District
KOLKATA, INDIA – On June 2, Kolkata Police initiated a rescue operation and requested IJM’s help to find a number of girls suspected to have been...
Five Convicted in Six Days for Sexually Assaulting Children
Katty* couldn’t afford a lawyer and almost dropped her case against the man who raped her as a teen. But this month, IJM’s Bolivia team helped...
Ten Rescued from Grueling Rock Quarry, Including Kids Born into Slavery
Guatemala's First Lady Joins IJM in New Program to End Sexual Violence
Churches in Guatemala are uniting to stop child sexual assault, and their first lady wants to help. This week, IJM and partner organizations will...

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