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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Breaking News

Three Bangladeshi Women Rescued in Kolkata Red-Light District
This week, police in Kolkata enlisted IJM’s help in rescuing three young women trafficked from Bangladesh and forced into prostitution in one of the...
Five Families Rescued from Years of Bonded Labour Slavery
Thanks to the quick work of local government officials and an IJM team, 18 children, women and men are now free from bonded labour slavery at an...
IJM Kenya Marks First-Ever Conviction in Police Abuse of Power
On April 28, 2016, over six years after the initial crime, a police officer was found guilty of manslaughter for violently killing an innocent...
The Youngest Survivor We’ve Ever Met is Now Safe from Cybersex Trafficking
In a heartbreaking rescue operation that led IJM to the youngest victim we have ever encountered, four girls and one boy were rescued from cybersex...
Two Dozen Rescued with New IJM Partner, in New State
Violence, Meet the Internet
IJM and Kolkata Police Rescue 16-Year-Old from Trafficking
On Monday evening, IJM assisted Kolkata police on a rescue operation to free one teenage girl from sex trafficking in a private apartment operating...
IJM Cebu’s Mentorship Program Empowers Survivors to Help Other Victims Heal
In Cebu, IJM has a unique mentorship program for survivors who want to use their own story of restoration to help other girls move through a painful...
Rescued Families Return Home as Kiln Owner Faces Charges
This is the second time this powerful brick kiln owner has been arrested on charges of bonded labour slavery. In 2011, IJM and local police rescued...

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