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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Breaking News

IJM Applauds Conviction of U.S. Citizen for Sex Crimes Against Cambodian Children
International Justice Mission (IJM), the world’s largest international anti-slavery organization, applauds the recent conviction of U.S. citizen...
IJM Celebrates Progress in Cambodia
2016 marks thirteen years since IJM’s first rescue operation in Cambodia—a country where sex tourists could once purchase young girls for sexual...
More than 550 Rescued in IJM's Largest Anti-Slavery Operation Ever
In an ongoing rescue operation, Indian police and IJM staff have rescued 564 children, women and men from forced labour slavery at a massive brick...
Streets Are Safer Today in Manila
Stardust Showbar is no longer open for business. Philippine authorities closed it last week, just three months after IJM helped police rescue 13...
Survivor of Cybersex Trafficking Celebrates 6th Birthday in Freedom
CEBU, THE PHILIPPINES – A little girl celebrated freedom on her 6th birthday just a few weeks ago. One day prior, she and four other children...
Families Rescued From Slavery At a Rice Mill The Week Before Christmas
We helped local officials with the rescue operation on December 17, and we’re thankful for the way the government took the lead. They provided...
Bar in Cebu is Shut Down after Employees Convicted for Trafficking
CEBU, PHILIPPINES – A heavy chain today locks the doors of the Red Lips bikini bar in Cebu, Philippines. The bar was permanently shut down last week....
Supreme Court Sends Strong Message in Upholding Slave Owner Conviction
DELHI, INDIA – On December 1, the Indian Supreme Court upheld a conviction against a man who ran his business using slave labour. A decision like...
Freedom Takes Time for Children Rescued from Cybersex Trafficking
CEBU, THE PHILIPPINES – Five children as young as 2 years old were rescued from online sexual exploitation three months ago. Their story of freedom...

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