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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Breaking News

Recent Convictions Indicate Crackdown on Impunity for Sex Traffickers
A life-changing moment took place in Kolkata just a few weeks ago: Four traffickers were convicted for crimes exactly four years after IJM helped...
Why Rwanda Commemorates July 4: Violence Will Not Have the Last Word
This weekend America celebrates the independence and freedom of their nation. But this day also holds special significance for another country: July...
Community Joins Hands to Provide Safe Haven for Rescued Sex Trafficking Survivors
Sixteen survivors now have an opportunity to heal in a safe place –all thanks to a partnership of two groups who wanted to make a difference. This...
Young Women Rescued From ‘VIP’ Rooms at Seemingly Innocuous Bar
Four young women who were once exploited in "VIP rooms” in a seedy bar in the Philippines are now free. This past month, the local anti-trafficking...
IJM Bolivia Cases Progress at ‘Rapid Pace’ Following New Law
Thanks to a new law, IJM Bolivia has seen "miraculous” developments in the past eight months, according to Greg Tarrant, IJM Bolivia field office...
Cambodian Officials and NGOs Gather in Momentous Two-Day Workshop
Police, government social workers, and NGO staff dedicated their time to a two-day workshop hosted by IJM Cambodia earlier this month. This committed...
Juliana’s Story Proving that Laws against Property Grabbing can be Enforced
Ed Wilson is the Executive Director for IJM Canada. He recently returned from a one-week trip to visit our teams in the field including Uganda, where...
Award-Winning Film Shines the Spotlight on an IJM Guatemala Case
The 24-minute film "Aullido” or "Howl,” recently won Best Short Film at the 2015 Justice Film Festival in Chicago, a festival featuring stories of...
Australian Arrested in Philippines for Abusing School Children
Michael Refalo, a 61-year-old Australian national, is now behind bars, arrested on two charges of human trafficking by Philippine authorities. The...

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