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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Breaking News

On World Day of Social Justice, Celebrating Two Forced Labour Rescue Operations
IJM Pampanga Helps Rescue Young Women from Bar Under Sex Trafficking Investigation
A handwritten sign is still taped to the bar door: Gentlemen it’s time to close, it’s hotel and motel time. The message may be the last one the bar...
333 Slaves Rescued in Second Largest Operation in IJM History
More than three hundred people are waking up today in freedom. This time last week they were up before sunrise making bricks that would be sold for...
A Desperate Father Escapes and a Path to Freedom Appears
When a desperate father escaped from a rice mill a few weeks ago, his first priority was to get medical help for his 2-year-old son with a heart...
Rose Farm Rescues Reveal Darker Side to Valentine's Day
On July 11, 2014, IJM and local authorities outside Bangalore, India rescued four boys from slavery on a rose farm. The children, each between ages 9...
IJM Mumbai Celebrates Freedom: Two Stories in One Day
MUMBAI, INDIA, February 09, 2015 As IJM joined local authorities on their first rescue operation of the year, the team got a phone call that four...
British High Commission Commends IJM for Outstanding Support in Abuse Case
NAIROBI, KENYA, January 30, 2015 In December 2014, a British court convicted Simon Harris for sexually abusing Kenyan street boys and possessing...
Six Nepali Girls Set Free In Kolkata’s Red-Light Area
January 22, 2015 Six young women trafficked from Nepal into India were set free from multiple brothels in a single night last week. IJM joined an...
Two Innocent Men Facing Life Imprisonment Finally Set Free
Today in Kenya, two men framed for stealing a police officer’s radio were finally declared innocent. The battle in court has taken two years. "I have...

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