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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Breaking News

Guatemalan School Principal Sentenced to Nearly 90 Years
GUATEMALA CITY, January 16, 2015 An elementary school principal has been sentenced to nearly 90 years in prison for sexually assaulting seven...
Celebrating More Than Another Christmas Party In Pampanga
PAMPANGA, PHILIPPINES, January 08, 2015 Peals of laughter broke out above the Christmas music as more than 100 guest moved through the first...
More Than 900 Hill Tribe People Are Now Thai Citizens - And That’s Just The Beginning
CHIANG MAI, THAILAND, December 26, 2014Dozens of families waited patiently outside the rural government office, eager to begin the day they'd...
Bloomberg News: The ‘Queen of Cyberporn’ and Her Town’s Industry of Abuse
Along the narrow roads leading into the Filipino village of Ibabao, billboards highlight traditional crafts such as baking cassava cakes, rope...
A Tiny Church In A Mumbai Slum Gives A Giant Gift At Christmas
Two women sit quietly on a tile floor in a Mumbai slum and carefully piece together bits of green and orange fabric in an intricate design. Sunlight...
This Kenyan Father Will Be Home For Christmas
Collins is a young husband and father in Kenya, and he has been in a Nairobi prison for nearly two years, charged with a crime he did not commit. IJM...
British charity director found guilty for abusing street children in Kenya
Today, a British court found Simon Harris guilty of abusing young Kenyan boys, as well as possessing indecent images of children, when he was...
Three convictions in Pampanga show a country serious about stopping trafficking
PAMPANGA, THE PHILIPPINES - Two sex trafficking cases ended with convictions today in the Philippines. Both underscore a government serious about...
Study sheds new light on violence against Ugandan widows
Kampala, Uganda - New IJM research finds that nearly one of three widows in one area of Uganda is a victim of property grabbing—a devastating crime...

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