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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Breaking News

IJM’s First Cases In the Dominican Republic Result in Two Arrests & Justice for 14-Year-Old Girl
For a young teen named Clarisa* and her family, the fact that two men are in prison facing sex trafficking charges brings a sense of safety that...
IJM Pampanga and Police Work Around the Clock to Rescue 17 Young Women
PAMPANGA, THE PHILIPPINES, October 03, 2014In just one week, IJM helped police rescue 17 girls and young women from four different bars in the...
Rescue in Mumbai: Police and IJM Discover a Brothel’s Secret Hiding Spot
MUMBAI, INDIA, September 26, 2014 Getting inside the brothel was the first challenge: A manager sits outside a locked gate and screens customers....
IJM Announces Expansion into Ghana to Help End Child Slavery on World's Largest Reservoir
Accra, Ghana, September 23, 2014 Leaders from International Justice Mission have deployed to the West African nation of Ghana to open a new field...
Pop-Up Play in India Raises Awareness About Slavery to Tens of Thousands
One of the actors named Upendra cowers as another performer approaches him with a raised stick, poised to strike. Upendra is playing the role of a...
Survivors Get Justice in IJM’s Fastest Sex Trafficking Case in the Philippines
This month, three young women in the Philippines were honored through a local court's ruling: The man and woman who had trafficked them were...
Four Boys Rescued from Slavery on a Rose Farm
BANGALORE, INDIA – Four boys were rescued from slavery on a rose farm located just a few hours from the highly industrialized city of Bangalore. Two...
IJM Cambodia: One Girl’s Voice Makes Her Community Safer
Kanya* sits at a wooden table and thoughtfully chooses the color of each marker. She is drawing a picture of her new home, a one-room hut built from...
IJM Cebu: Trafficking Survivor Returns to her Hometown to Help Rebuild After Typhoon
Two years ago, Angelita* was rescued from a karaoke bar where she had been trafficked and sold for sex at just 14 years old. Angelita has experienced...

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