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Breaking News

Four Boys Rescued from Slavery on a Rose Farm
BANGALORE, INDIA – Four boys were rescued from slavery on a rose farm located just a few hours from the highly industrialized city of Bangalore. Two...
IJM Cambodia: One Girl’s Voice Makes Her Community Safer
Kanya* sits at a wooden table and thoughtfully chooses the color of each marker. She is drawing a picture of her new home, a one-room hut built from...
IJM Cebu: Trafficking Survivor Returns to her Hometown to Help Rebuild After Typhoon
Two years ago, Angelita* was rescued from a karaoke bar where she had been trafficked and sold for sex at just 14 years old. Angelita has experienced...
IJM’s First Conviction Against Traffickers in Pampanga
PAMPANGA, PHILIPPINES – Two traffickers arrested earlier this year have been convicted for selling girls on the streets of a city notorious for sex...
IJM Uganda: Justice Starts with…Paperwork?
KAMPALA, UGANDA – Faces obscured with dust masks streamed back and forth between a Ugandan courthouse and the large white tent dominating its yard....
IJM Bolivia Celebrates A Big Milestone: Rocío’s Kindergarten Graduation
May. 9, 2013 EL ALTO, BOLIVIA – When 5-year-old Rocío* scanned the crowd gathered for her kindergarten graduation, she saw several members of the...
India: IJM, Partners Rescue More Than 30 From Life Of Slavery, Squalor
IJM Kolkata: Landmark Convictions Against Five Notorious Traffickers
Mar. 15, 2013 In the trial against Nakul Bera, survivors shared how they had been tortured and trapped in the brothel, pictured here. Police locked...
More than 500 Free from Slavery in IJM’s Largest Operation Ever
CHENNAI – Today, 512 children, women and men are living in freedom after being rescued from a brick kiln in IJM's largest anti-slavery operation...

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