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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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Breaking News

Indian Government Inspection Leads to Four Freed from Mango Grove
On Feb. 4, four adults were liberated from six years of labor exploitation at a mango grove thanks to proactive government officials and a group of...
Three Perpetrators Guilty of Human Trafficking in Cyberscam Slavery Case
Nine Indonesian survivors received justice after their three traffickers were convicted of human trafficking for forced labor in cyber fraud by a...
IJM Supports Indian Government Rescuing 22 Children from Jewelry Factories
Indian government officials and police carried out a rescue operation to free 22 boys—ages 15 to 17—being exploited at multiple urban jewelry...
Cambodian Trafficker Caught After Four Years of Evasion
After four years on the run, labour trafficker Nai Nang was arrested by the Cambodian police with the help of IJM Cambodia's expertise.
IJM Supports Indian Police Free 1,401 Trafficked Children in a Month
IJM worked as an expert consultant to develop a standardized process for safely rescuing children and building a strong legal case against their...
IJM-developed training is credited with leading to peaceful election in Kenya
For years during election cycles, Kenya has experienced heightened brutality and police abuse of power. At the request of police leadership, IJM...
Meta Partners with IJM in Immersive Awareness Campaign
IJM has partnered with Meta in a cutting-edge, immersive augmented and virtual reality campaign that has reached nearly 10 million people.
Human Trafficker Sentenced to Five Years Imprisonment, Ordered to Pay 20,000 Cedi Compensation to Victim
ACCRA, GHANA – The Jasikan Circuit Court, in the Jasikan District of the Oti Region on 20th September 2022, sentenced a 45-year-old fisherman to a...
Plea Bargaining Results in the Swift Conviction of a Female Suspect for Online Sexual Exploitation of Children Offenses Two Months After Her Arrest
MINDANAO, Philippines - On September 21, 2022, a female suspect plead guilty to offences related to the online sexual exploitation of children in...

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