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Celebrate Stories of Hope With Your Family
Bring your whole family into the heroic movement to end slavery in our lifetime. We’re providing weekly resources to help you do that, and we’d...
Abha* was a curious, young child who grew up in one of the poorest neighbourhoods of Mumbai. She loved wandering the streets exploring the city. Yet...
Canadian Online Sex Offender Who Preyed on Filipino Children Gets Longer Sentence
Canadian online sex offender who preyed on Filipino children gets longer sentence An appellate court in Canada has increased the sentence for an...
The Lollipop Problem
The world has a lollipop problem. I’m not referring to our addiction to sugary snacks— but something much darker. Something more sinister. It is an...
Reflections on Cybersex Trafficking from a Canadian Dad
Meet Philip Calvert from Calgary, Alberta
Huffington Post Canada Reports: Filipino Children Exploited Daily For Pedophiles In Countries Like Canada
Officials describe it as a humanitarian crisis. "This crime is fuelled by demand from western countries," said Sam Inocencio, the Philippine national...
Change: I’m Warming Up to It.
I thought that I should be in a job, a relationship, and a lifestyle that was the same, day after day; the less change the better. I viewed change as...
Nine Months Pregnant. One Shot at Freedom.
The birth of a child should always be a beautiful moment, but for women around the world living in modern-day slavery, pregnancy can be a time of...
The Gift of Freedom
In 2012, Kamal and her husband Krushna were on their way to a city more than 700 miles away from home. They had just packed up their two small...

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