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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

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24 Children Forced to Work on Lake Volta Are Now Free
On January 24, the IJM Ghana team and local authorities rescued 24 boys who had been forced to work in the fishing industry on Lake Volta. This...
IJM Launches Petition Demanding Justice in Kenya Following Murder of Kenyan Lawyer
International Justice Mission (IJM) today announced the launch of a petition demanding justice in the murders of IJM staff member Willie Kimani, IJM...
IJM Announces Deaths of Two Individuals Associated with its Kenya Operations Following Their June 23rd Disappearance
Friday, July 1, 2016, WASHINGTON, DC; NAIROBI KENYA: With deep mourning, International Justice Mission (IJM) today announced that two individuals...
IJM Kenya Marks First-Ever Conviction in Police Abuse of Power
On April 28, 2016, over six years after the initial crime, a police officer was found guilty of manslaughter for violently killing an innocent...
IJM Phases Out its Work in Rwanda
After 8 years of service, IJM has decided to phase out its work in Rwanda. IJM Rwanda was established in 2008, originally partnering with the Rwandan...
Juliana’s Story Proving that Laws against Property Grabbing can be Enforced
Ed Wilson is the Executive Director for IJM Canada. He recently returned from a one-week trip to visit our teams in the field including Uganda, where...
A Ugandan Court Defends a Grandmother and Sets a New Precedent
Kathryn Wilkes is the Field Office Director for IJM Kampala. She and her team have helped defend more than 1,000 widows and orphans from property...
10 Boys Rescued from Slavery on Ghana's Lake Volta
ACCRA, GHANA – Ten boys who grew up as slaves on Ghana’s Lake Volta are now free. On Friday, March 20, IJM embarked on our first-ever rescue...
Two Innocent Men Facing Life Imprisonment Finally Set Free
Today in Kenya, two men framed for stealing a police officer’s radio were finally declared innocent. The battle in court has taken two years. "I have...

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