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Canada Modern Slavery Act Becomes a Reality
International Justice Mission (IJM) statement on the passage of Canada’s Modern Slavery Act, formerly known as Bill S-211: An Act to enact the...
IJM Canada Welcomes Prime Minister Trudeau’s $333 Million Commitment to the Association of Southeast Asian Nations
Friday, Nov. 18, 2022, TORONTO – International Justice Mission (IJM), a global organization that protects people in poverty from violence, welcomes...
Jewellery for Justice: A fundraiser who seeks justice through her jewellery company
Naomi Holland is the founder of Redeemed with Purpose, an online jewellery company that raises funds for IJM and different charities that fight...
Canada is taking action on forced labour slavery!
On April 29, 2022, the Senate of Canada passed the Modern Slavery Act, Bill S-211, to help Canadians contribute to the end of modern forced labour in...
Compassion and Justice: How we create a world for moms, children and all of us to thrive
CEO of IJM Canada, Anu George Canjanathoppil and President & CEO of Compassion Canada, Allison Alley, host a candid conversation about their personal...
How Strong Justice Systems Can Help Break The Bias
In honour of International Women's Day, IJM Canada's CEO, Anu George Canjanathoppil shares what biases and barriers keep women and girls from...
IJM Encouraged by the Prime Minister’s Mandate Letter Focus on Eradicating Forced Labour Slavery from Canadian Supply Chains
Tuesday, December 21, 2021, TORONTO, ON – International Justice Mission (IJM) welcomes Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s Mandate Letter to Minister of...
IJM Welcomes Action by Government of Canada on Forced Labour Slavery in Supply Chains
Tuesday, November 16, 2021, TORONTO, ON – International Justice Mission (IJM) is encouraged by the Government of Canada’s commitment to take all...
IJM Welcomes Partnership with Award-Winning Country Music Star Dean Brody in the Fight Against Human Trafficking
Wednesday, November 10, 2021, TORONTO, ON – International Justice Mission (IJM) is excited to announce a partnership with celebrated Canadian...

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