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MATCHING FUNDS AVAILABLE! Send rescue, restore hope and fuel bravery for survivors like Joy*.

I will send rescue.


Attorney General Doug Downey Among Special Guests at NourishHope Fundraiser for IJM Canada
Toronto, ON, 04 November 2019 – Human trafficking knows no borders, and Canadians are becoming increasingly aware of the many forms of exploitation...
Canadian Online Sex Offender Who Preyed on Filipino Children Gets Longer Sentence
Canadian online sex offender who preyed on Filipino children gets longer sentence An appellate court in Canada has increased the sentence for an...
40 Hours for 40 Million: An Interview with Heather Bartholomew
In the summer of 2018, IJM Canada launched our very first Just Move campaign, where Canadians coast to coast joined us by getting active and walking,...
Art for Justice: An Interview with Abby
Abimbola (Abby) came to Canada from Nigeria and on the face of it she is a young Mom coping with the joy's and challenges of everyday life, but Abby...
Reflections on Cybersex Trafficking from a Canadian Dad
Meet Philip Calvert from Calgary, Alberta
Change: I’m Warming Up to It.
I thought that I should be in a job, a relationship, and a lifestyle that was the same, day after day; the less change the better. I viewed change as...
A Dress Can Change a Life: Interview with Sheena Heinrichs
At IJM Canada, few things delight us more than our faithful supporters. Read our interview with Sheena Heinrichs, a British Columbia mom who has...
A Message from Ed Wilson
Video Transcript: My name is Ed Wilson, former executive director of International Justice Mission Canada. I stepped into this role five years ago...
IJM Canada Welcomes New Board Members
"I'm delighted to see how the Board of Directors of IJM Canada is renewing itself by adding new members,” says Ed Wilson, IJM Canada’s Executive...

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