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LIMITED TIME MATCH: Your gift will be matched to bring rescue, justice, and restoration.

I will give freedom today!


Story Behind the Song: Canadian Musician Andy Park Shares What Inspired His Newest Hit
by Andy Park, Singer/Songwriter -- I wrote the song "We Will Defend” as a response to reading chapter 1 of Gary Haugen’s book: The Locust Effect....
Canadian Seeks 100 Million Pennies to End Slavery
A current campaign in Canada aims to raise $1 million in pennies—creatively using change to bring change in the movement against modern-day slavery.
Grade 5/6 Class in Ontario uses Creative Writing to Help End Modern Day Slavery
You don’t often leave a shopping mall feeling inspired. But shoppers in Georgetown, Ontario were in for an education, inspiration, and a clear...
International Justice Mission Canada Announces Kevin Dixon as Vice-President of Operations
"The values and impact of International Justice Mission inspire me” says Kevin. "IJM's global reach, inspired by God’s call to love all people and...
Martial Arts Students Kick Off Justice Campaign to Help End Slavery
Founder of Martial Arts for Justice, Master Dean Siminoff first heard about IJM’s work in 2013 and resonated with the mission. He felt a deep-seated...
Thousands to #Stand4Freedom and Shine Light on Modern-Day Slavery
This week, from April 6-10, thousands across the United States and around the world will take a stand against the injustice of modern day slavery...
Introducing Phil Reilly, Newest Member to the IJM Canada Team
Canadians raised $150,000 in 2014 to Help End Everyday Violence
New Year, New IJM Canada?

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